Forrestville Mfg. Co. 8 day empire mantel clock, ca. 1838 - 1840
Anonymous (not verified)
23 October 2024
Refinished case, new ball feet, exceptional near mint original dial, original lower tablet broken in 7 pieces but still retained by original putty, repainted center tablet still retained by original putty, bell strike, excellent label 99 percent complete "Improved / Eight-Day / Brass Clocks / Made And Sold By The / Forestville Manufacturing Co. / Bristol, Conn / Warranted, If Well Used", label printed by Case, Tiffany and Co., Printers, Pearl Street - Hartford, movement type 1.112 with wide slot in seat board for hammer wire, 36 1/2" x 20 1/8", GRO, 30 day warranty.
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Forestville Mfg Co
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Bill's Clocksworks
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Forrestville Mfg. Co. 8 day empire mantel clock, ca. 1838 - 1840 Refinished case, new ball feet, exceptional near mint original dial, original lower tablet broken in 7 pieces but still retained by original putty, repainted center tablet still retained by original putty, bell strike, excellent label 99 percent complete "Improved / Eight-Day / Brass Clocks / Made And Sold By The / Forestville Manufacturing Co. / Bristol, Conn / Warranted, If Well Used", label printed by Case, Tiffany and Co., Printers, Pearl Street - Hartford, movement type 1.112 with wide slot in seat board for hammer wire, 36 1/2" x 20 1/8", GRO, 30 day warranty.
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