C.1879, Ithaca Clock Co., "No. 5" rosewood double dial calendar clock.
Anonymous (not verified)
23 October 2024
The rosewood case has been refinished and has lost much of its mellow coloring; there are some slight bubbles in the veneer, just above the base molding. The top dial pan now has a paper dial pasted in it (looks OK). The original lower dial is excellent. All hands are original. The pendulum, though old, is not original (keeps time fine) Both movements have been professionally cleaned and this clock is in good running order; two old repair stickers from Ithaca, NY. Best part is the original paper instruction label behind the pendulum access door. Height 22 1/2"
Calendar No. 5
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Ithaca Calendar Clock Co
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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C.1879, Ithaca Clock Co., "No. 5" rosewood double dial calendar clock. The rosewood case has been refinished and has lost much of its mellow coloring; there are some slight bubbles in the veneer, just above the base molding. The top dial pan now has a paper dial pasted in it (looks OK). The original lower dial is excellent. All hands are original. The pendulum, though old, is not original (keeps time fine) Both movements have been professionally cleaned and this clock is in good running order; two old repair stickers from Ithaca, NY. Best part is the original paper instruction label behind the pendulum access door. Height 22 1/2"
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