C.1865, Bradley and Hubbard, Meriden, Conn., 30-hour time/strike iron case mantel clock, in generally fair to good condition.
Anonymous (not verified)
23 October 2024
This is a clock by a maker better known for their blinking eye models. The case retains part of its original gold decorations. There is some minor paint loss along the bottom edge, but paint is overall intact. Someone has touched up the dial numerals (a couple are a bit wavy); brass bezel is a replacement. There is a nice B and H label inside the case. Honest Americana for under a hundred bucks. Height 103/4"
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Bradley and Hubbard
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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C.1865, Bradley and Hubbard, Meriden, Conn., 30-hour time/strike iron case mantel clock, in generally fair to good condition. This is a clock by a maker better known for their blinking eye models. The case retains part of its original gold decorations. There is some minor paint loss along the bottom edge, but paint is overall intact. Someone has touched up the dial numerals (a couple are a bit wavy); brass bezel is a replacement. There is a nice B and H label inside the case. Honest Americana for under a hundred bucks. Height 103/4"
Clock types