C.1820, Silas Hoadley, Plymouth, Conn. Scarce 8-day pull wind tall clock
of Hoadley's unique design with striking wheels in front of front plate and escapement outside back plate. Movement seems basically sound, though has been harshly cleaned and has a new center shaft and new shafts on which the hands fit. Lead hands, bell and bell holder are reproductions. The dial on the clock is beautiful and brilliant, but has been drilled and shows evidence of one time having been used with an improper brass key wound movement. The handsome pine case is from Connecticut and very suitable for the Hoadley movement, but is not the clock's original case. Originally painted, the case now has a dark stained finished. The hood door, fretwork, chimneys and finials are replacements. Tin canister weights and cast iron pendulum bob are proper style reproductions. Would have been $4000 if all original. Height 90" to top of finial.
Clock types