New Haven Clock Co., "Chime Clock No. 4", ca 1911.
Anonymous (not verified)
23 October 2024
8 day, Westminster Chimes on quarter hours and hours. Quarters strike 4 Cathedral gongs, hours on a large gong, runs. 6 inch silver dial is etched, cast brass spandrels in the corners. The paint on the dial ring is wearing. Full label on the back door. Full front door is beveled to give the impression of beveled glass in the door. Gold border around the glass, brass door latch, back door latch needs attention, part not there. 5 original finials, tip on one cracked and glued. Good mahogany case is 20 inches high, 12 inches wide. The only fault I see is the back door latch and dial wear. Dial better than picture reveals, bad focus. Ly-New Haven No.345.
Chime Clock No. 4
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New Haven
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Horton's Antique Clocks
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New Haven Clock Co., "Chime Clock No. 4", ca 1911. 8 day, Westminster Chimes on quarter hours and hours. Quarters strike 4 Cathedral gongs, hours on a large gong, runs. 6 inch silver dial is etched, cast brass spandrels in the corners. The paint on the dial ring is wearing. Full label on the back door. Full front door is beveled to give the impression of beveled glass in the door. Gold border around the glass, brass door latch, back door latch needs attention, part not there. 5 original finials, tip on one cracked and glued. Good mahogany case is 20 inches high, 12 inches wide. The only fault I see is the back door latch and dial wear. Dial better than picture reveals, bad focus. Ly-New Haven No.345.
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