C.1879, William L. Gilbert Clock Co., "Baronet" model black walnut parlor clock.
This is an unusual model not often found. It has an original paper dial with some wear and repairs and retains its nickel plated bell. The spade hands are replaced and slightly too large. The back has a simple, but well preserved Gilbert label. The case has been refinished and is complete except for the upper finial which has been replaced with an inappropriate eagle, and 2 drop finials. The case varies slightly from the catalog cut which shows the arched top terminating different with hanging finials which this case never had. However, hanging finials ARE missing from the two side decorations. The catalog cut also shows two turned spindle decorations applied each side of the door, but there is no evidence this case had them. With the help of the Gilbert drawings, you can turn the missing finials. Height 20.5Ó $250-$350
Clock types