C.1865, Fairbanks and Co., Saint Johns, New Brunswick, Canada, 30-hour time and strike shelf clock.
This clock is in as found condition, in need of some restoration. The case was made in Canada, and the movement, dial and tablet imported from Connecticut. The original tablet has a single crack, rigHeight to left, and paint loss in the sky. At some time the clock was brushed with black paint. Most of the original mahogany veneer looks to still be present under the paint, however there is some veneer apparently missing on the base and on the cornice. The clock has a 30-hour 2-wt unsigned brass movement with tombstone cut-outs. The wooden dial has paint loss and dirt and will need restoration. Minute hand is improperly replace. Fading label touts "Clocks, Looking Glasses and Picture Frames, Manufactured and Sold by Fairbanks and Co." [they were in business from the 1830s]. Height 28Ó $225-$325
Clock types