C.1790, Austrian/Polish, Rare Detached balance with pinwheel escapement clock, from an early Polish desk.
This mahogany and satinwood clock was made to top a library desk of this period, as it has no feet and the little drawers and pulls on each side would have matched the desk drawers beneath it. This clock is Large, with a 9.5Ó porcelain dial, signed by the furniture makers: J. P. Raszinski and fils, a Breslau. Note the mixture of Polish and French in the signature, however the workmanship on the movement is surely Viennese, as it is of a very high caliber, with large pinwheel on the rear plate, central verge with inside pallets (rocking inside the escape wheel), and released by a seconds beating balance that is a full 12.5Ó below the pinwheel. Fast/ slow regulation is by a lever at the base of the balance. Original pierced hands are fabulous, indicates true seconds on the dial, and the bonus is this is a week duration clock. Height 28.5Ó $4,000-$6,000
Clock types