Southern Calendar Clock Co., "Fashion No. 4", ca 1880.
Solid walnut case is 32 inches high. It was covered with coal soot and smoke when it came to me. I took some mild cleaner and just removed the black, down to the rich walnut color. You may wish to clean the groves and crevices, but it looks fine to me as it is. Finials are original with very good tips, and the bases have the factory marks.8 day movement, strikes a large cathedral gong, on the hours. Dials have been repainted, otherwise it is all original and working properly. This is a great example of the early Seth Thomas-Southern Calendar clocks, that used the large ST 8 day movement and perpetual calendar mechanism. Nickel damascened pendulum, nickel gong stand and dial rings. Ly-Calendar, page 286, and Millers "Calendar Clocks, page 110.
Clock types