Southern Calendar Clock Co. St. Louis, Mo. "Fashion No. 6", ca 1882.
32 inch walnut case has been refinished, good Fashion glass, gold backed with black paint. Black dials, label, and calendar rolls. Bottom dial is old, top dial new, both repainted by The Dial House. Don't get excited when I say a Fashion clock has a new dial. After 100 years the old zinc pan oxidizes and gets out of shape. The Dial House cannot paint on the old pan unless it is perfectly flat, so they make a new pan.. Finials glued in place, can't remove them to look for factory marks.Seth Thomas Clock Co. made the large time and calendar movements for the Fashions. This is a long pendulum model, nickel damascened pendulum, nickel bezels, bell, beat scale, and hands. 8 day movement strikes the nickel bell on the hours. Good running clock. Ly-Calendar, page 288. Millers "Calendar Clocks, page 113.
Clock types