C.1889, Southern Calendar Clock Co., St. Louis, Mo., "Fashion No. 8", in generally good condition,
with major restoration (and model change). The walnut case and dials have been professionally refinished. The 3 finials replacements; center tip absent. This clock has been converted from a Fashion No. 5, with the addition of the two turned round "cookies" on the calendar door, and the main door has been cut out recently to clear these cookies. The dials were painted in 1982 for Bob Claybrook of Hamilton, Alabama, and so indicated by the Dial House on their stickers. The Directions label is a photo copy; "no-oil" warning is original. Has nickeled damascene pendulum bob, nickeled beat scale, nickeled gong base, and nickeled bezels. Retains original "Fashion" tablet, has had touch up on the F, a, s and h, with gold paint (looks OK basically). Calendar rollers are original and legible. Hard to estimate this clock; an original would bring 4500 dollars. Height 32 inches
Clock types