Wm. Gilbert Clock Co. cabinet clock, "Cosey Corner, Pattern R", ca 1906.
Anonymous (not verified)
23 October 2024
Gamblers motif, cup and dice at the top, poker chips on each side, dominoesand playing cards on each side. Gilbert calls the clock, "Eight day FancyBurnt Wood Mantle Clock, Bohemian Design and artistically colored". Caseis 13.75" high, 5" dial oxidized gilt, perforated, Rocco sash. Strikes hourson a gong, half hours on a separate cup bell. Pretty nice old case, movementserviced and running. Ly-Gilbert No. 597.
Cosey Corner, Pattern R
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Gilbert, Wm L
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Horton's Antique Clocks
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Wm. Gilbert Clock Co. cabinet clock, "Cosey Corner, Pattern R", ca 1906. Gamblers motif, cup and dice at the top, poker chips on each side, dominoesand playing cards on each side. Gilbert calls the clock, "Eight day FancyBurnt Wood Mantle Clock, Bohemian Design and artistically colored". Caseis 13.75" high, 5" dial oxidized gilt, perforated, Rocco sash. Strikes hourson a gong, half hours on a separate cup bell. Pretty nice old case, movementserviced and running. Ly-Gilbert No. 597.
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