George B. Owens, Winsted, Conn. shelf clock, ca about 1875.
He was a pioneer in the introduction of solid walnut parlor clocks, the earliest of the kitchen clocks. He became the General Manager of the Gilbert Manufacturing Company and its President. He remained with Gilbert for nearly 50 years. About1875 he built a factory behind his home where he made and sold clocks underhis own name while continuing to serve as Gen. Mgr. of Gilbert. His clocksgenerally were of solid walnut and often had cut glasses in the door. Thesecut glass tablets are rarely found except on Owen clocks. This 21 inch walnutcase by Owens has a cut glass in the door. Signed 8 day movement strikes hourson a nickel bell. Attractive single barrel pendulum also attributed to Owens.Nickel dial ring has patent date inscribed. Missing the inner dial. See Ly-Gilbert, page 25.
Clock types