Brewster and Ingrahams 22 inch gallery. 8 day "East-West" ribbed movement in good running condition.
The back plate is stepped and mounted on blocks. The front plate is solid with punchouts. This clock is in a sound walnut case, hinged on top to make it easy to access the pendulum and hands. This style gallery was made by Brewster and Imgrams from 1845 to 1853. Thereis an original convex wooden dial, properly and professionally repainted, including the makers name. The convex glass is old and full of bubbles. Additional putty has been applied around the glass to securely hold it in the bezel. The best thing about this clock is the good label under the dial. We have seen many without a label. Reference-Handbook of Clocks Produced by Charles Kirk, Elisha C. Brewster and Brewster and Ingrahams at Bristol, Connecticut, 1828-1852, by Bill Ultsch and Doug Cowan, pages 56-59.
Clock types