Bishop and Bradley, Watertown, Conn., Pillar and Scroll, ca 1824-1832.
Terry type 1.116 wood movement, complete, running. Large wood dial is soiled, but surprisingly has no stretch marks or splits. The bottom 1/3 of the label is missing, where the makers name should be, but enough labelthere to identify clock as "Bishop and Bradley". Upper glass with originalputty, bottom now has a paper print of downtown Albany, NY about 1820. Woodfinials are replacements but nice looking. Typical case, 30 inches high withoutthe finials, both ears have been broken and glued in place, damage to baseand some veneer repairs made. Door lock, ivory escutcheon, key not lockingthe door. The mahogany veneer case is in pretty good condition overall. Someprofessional alterations to the top and base, a Moberg painted glass, brassfinials, and you have a nice case that could be worth three times our minimum.Reference-Eli Terry and the Connecticut Shelf Clock, Second Edition Revised.Kenneth D. Roberts, Snowden Taylor, pages 120-124.
Clock types