Welch, Spring and Co. "Patti, No. 1", ca 1885.
Elisha N. Welch was a wealthy world traveler, a lover of the arts and music, which led him to name his best known Welch clock for Adelina Patti, a prodigy vocalist, soprano prima donna, a beautiful woman, and definitely a nonconformist. As a wealthy, liberated woman, she was the idol and lover of many men. The ever poplar "Patti, No. 1" is a polished walnut case, 18-1/2 inches high, distinctively styledwith turned columns on 4 corners, and the identical 3 finials on top. Theglass has a gold leaf pattern, full side glasses, pressed glass pendulums, cloth covering the backboard. Collectors refer to this movement as the"Patti" movement even though they are found in all better Welch mantle clocks.This 8 day movement is running, strikes the hours on a nickel bell attachedto the movement. A new paper dial was installed on the old pan. There isabout half of a label on the back of the case. Really nice examples of thismodel sell upwards of $2000. Ly-Welch, page 154.
Clock types