Welch, Spring and Co. "Patti. V.P.", ca 1885.
The V.P. refers tothe visible pendulum, which is a pressed glass over a decorative center piece. This is the correct pendulum for this clock. The Patti movements can be easily identified by the "X" cross band on both the front and rear plates. This veryfine movement is 8 day, striking a silver bell, and running. The PattiÕs have2 side glasses and a gold leaf design on the front glass. This old glass isidentical to those shown in the Welch catalogs for that time period. A partiallabel on the back is only useful in that you know by comparing the remnantswith the label shown in the catalogs, this clock and label are correct. Polishedwalnut case is 18-1/2 inches high, the finials sure look old, but I havelearned to never say finials are original. An average woodworker with a goodlathe can turn a perfect Patti finial. Reference: A lot of material is availableon the early Welch Clocks, particularly LY-Welch, pages 154-155.
Clock types