Self Winding Clock Co. regulator, "No. 18", ca 1898.
The company bought cases and movements from Seth Thomas, Howard, and H.C.Thompson, and added their time keeping elements in their own plant. This case is a Seth Thomas "Regulator No. 30" oak, 49 inches high. The movement is signed "Self Winding Clock Co." plus it has the Seth Thomas logo. You will also notice that the pendulum is the nickel Seth Thomas with swirls etched in circles. Case and pendulum are identical to No. 451 in Ly-Seth Thomas, and the actual Self Winding case is in Ly-American, Volume 2, No. 747. The only difference Isee is that my clock dial does not have seconds dial, and the pictured onedoes. The case is fitted with two key locks, a nickel beat scale, various electrical wires around the movement and a regular electric cord on top of the case. We did not run this clock, primarily because I wouldnÕt know where to begin.
Clock types