Wm. L. Gilbert Clock Co. hanging, "Itasca", ca 1881.
Practically a full label on the back and a dealer sticker dated 1911. This is a very attractive 46 inch walnut case with enough carving, finials, and trim, to give it a livingroom look. There are side glasses like we find on some of the better clocks.I canÕt see any new pieces but one never knows for sure about a finial. Ido see where the top has a small split that was nailed in place and made immaterialto the total look. The good Gilbert movement is 8 day, striking a cathedralgong on the hours. After a closer examination of the back I will now concedethat the triangular tail piece is probably new. No doubt the entire casehas been cleaned of the old smoke and tars, and the old finish brought backout with one of the great wood polishes we have available today. A much prettierclock than the one you see in the catalogs, like Ly-Gilbert No. 345.
Clock types