Welch, Spring and Co. hanging clock, rare and unusual style case with a thirty day, double wind, time only movement.
It is nickel plated and signed "E.N.Welch, Forestville, Conn. USA", and " PatÕd Aug.30, 1870". This movement was also used in the Regulator No. 4 and the No. 5 Calendar. Welch sold this movement to the Ithaca Calendar Clock Co. for use in their thirty-daycalendar clocks, including the No. 4 Hanging Office, the Kildare, and Belgrade. I can not find the clock in any of my catalogs, so until someonecalls my hand I will say it is a rare Welch 30 day clock. The movement isoriginal to this case and it is running very strong. The dial pan maynot be original, definitely repapered, and some historian has written onthe back of the pan, "Sold to T. Kerurdy, Apr.17, 1890". The pendulumis an unusual 3 tube, that is signed, "Davis Pat." The walnut caseis 35 inches high, 16 inches wide, and refinished top to bottom. The casehas a great deal of good carving and deep grooved etchings. A very well made, attractive clock. Separate picture shown of the movement, you can alsorefer to Ly-Welch No. 141, Ly-Calendar No. 836 and No. 325.
Clock types