Wm. L. Gilbert Clock Co. "Office Drop Calendar", ca 1881.
Walnut case with walnut burl trim stands 34 inches high. First off, I will say it looks to be 100 percent original, all there, no breaks or repairs. We have sold this model a few times in past catalogs, and they were usually slicker looking than thisclock, but they had been refinished. I donÕt think this one has been touched.Most of the old black label is inside, glasses are original, and all partsof the dial are original. As you may know the dial is made up of three thinpaper covered metal discs. The front one is stationary and shows the hourand the day of the month. The middle disc shows the days of the week throughcut out windows in the front dial. The back disk shows the month througha window on top of the front dial and is adjusted with a pin. This modelhas an 8 day movement and strikes hourly on a coil gong. I did put new screwsaround the dial, and while checking the signed movement I noticed the toptwo movement feet had been moved slightly. This keeps the movement tighterin the case. Ly-Gilbert page 85.
Clock types