E. Howard and Co. Boston, "No. 70 Regulator", ca 1900. This model is 32" high, and has a 12" dial, which means it is the smallest of the five No. 70 models they made.
The differences were both in the size of the dial and height of the case. Beautiful walnut grain has mellowed with age and couldbe called cherry very easily if not for the wood grain. The movement is 8day, time only, and signed, "E. Howard and Co. Boston, 70". The large ironweight descends down the center of the case and is signed, "70". The pendulumand tie down are correct as is the case hardware, latches, hinges, and thelike. The bottom glass is very nice; the top has new putty so we would thinka new glass. There is a new piece of wood attached to the case just belowthe movement, to stop the weight. I can live with that. The original dialhas not been out of the case many times; no extra holes and I donÕt thinkit has been to a dial painter; however someone has been practicing theirpainting skills. They didnÕt do a bad job but it is not up to Howard standards.The inside of the dial ring has been repainted including a gold circle. Thename, "E. Howard and Co. Boston" is not paint; it is a transfer or stickon name. To continue the good work they also repainted outside the chapterring and the numerals were highlighted. Ly-American, page 123.
Clock types