Southern Calendar Clock Co. "Fashion No. 5", ca 1882 or thereabout.
This was the first Fashion using the long pendulum. Models 1 thru4 used pendulums that reached just below the top dial and were visible behindthe word "Fashion". The No. 5 had the same style glass but the opening wasclosed with dial boards top and bottom and the pendulum extended to the bottomof the case. The zinc dial pans were so oxidized and crumbling that The DialHouse could not repaint the originals and replaced them with new zinc dials.This is a common occurrence with Fashion dial pans. The paper rollers werereplaced at the same time. The nickel pendulum has the etched designs andis very attractive even though it is hidden from the viewer. Original finials, Fashion glass, and all other case parts. Walnut case is 32 inches high. 8day movement, double spring, striking the pleasant sounding Cathedral Gongbelow the movement. Ly-Calendar, page 287, Ly-Seth Thomas. Page 65, and Millers"Calendar Clocks", page 113.
Clock types