Ithaca Calendar Clock Co. "Large Iron Case", ca 1866, using the Hubbell 30 day pendulum movement.
After losing all their wood cases in a fire, Henry B. Horton invented and patented an iron case, which was produced right there in Ithaca, NY. Movements were bought from Welch, Pomeroy, and Laporte Hubbell, and calendar movements were produced in Ithaca, and the clocks assembled, tested and marketed from there. The Small Iron Case is 19 inches, this Large Iron Case is 21-1/2 inches. Both dial rings are inscribed "May 10, 1859". The time dial holes were factory drilled to accommodate both the Large Iron Case and the Small Iron Case movements that had a second bit and the wind holes closer to the hand arbor. Dial pans and bezels are correct. There is new white putty around the lower glass. The center panel is made of zinc withpainted floral design. Pendulum is correct. Case may have been repainted blackin the past. This clock looks identical to the one on page 150, Ly-Calendar; see also Millers-Calendar Clocks, pages 26-28.
Clock types