E. Howard "No. 58 Regulator", ca 1900.
One of several Howardregulators that are of a similar style. The No. 58 was made in 3 sizes, thisbeing the middle size, 51 inches long, and 10 inch dial. Made of solid oak, now an aged mellow-medium shade. All edges are grooved, designs etched inplaces, carvings around the dial and on the top. Designs and carvings donÕtjump out at you but just enough detail to make the clock attractive. Nickelpendulum bob is damascened, round wood rod painted to match the bob, nickelpendulum lock down. Great original painted metal dial signed, "E. Howard and Co. Boston." Flat weight descends behind the wood partition. Key lockingdoor, key in place. The only negative thing I can say is that there is asmall chip at the base of one back finial. Really insignificant when youthink of this clock being over 100 years old, and very heavy and difficultfor one person to carry, much less hang on the wall. Ly-American No. 423. Estimated value in year 2000 was $4500. Hard to estimate actual value the way the better wall, weight, regulators have been bringing higher and higher prices.
Clock types