C.1904, Ansonia, "CANDELABRA No. 1183", in very good original condition.
Anonymous (not verified)
23 October 2024
This pair of candle stands has Brazilian green onyx panels in the bases (Ansonia catalog calls it inlay). For details on this set, see LY, No. 2981-2982; this set sold new for $35.50, a substantial sum at the time; you could have purchased 2 Bagdads for the same amount. Height 19 inches
Candelabra No. 1183
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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C.1904, Ansonia, "CANDELABRA No. 1183", in very good original condition. This pair of candle stands has Brazilian green onyx panels in the bases (Ansonia catalog calls it inlay). For details on this set, see LY, No. 2981-2982; this set sold new for $35.50, a substantial sum at the time; you could have purchased 2 Bagdads for the same amount. Height 19 inches
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