Gilbert Manf'g Co., "Octagon Drop Calendar", C. 1869.
The Maranville calendar was patented in 1861, and according to the full label in the case, it (the case) was patented in 1869 by Geo. B. Owens, Supt. of the Gilbert factory. The case is covered with rosewood veneer and stands 23.5" high. The case is near perfect, only a couple of corner tic's. The bottom door is solid except for the original small glass. 8 day movement strikes a coil gong. The calendar dial is manually changed each month, and is therefore called a simple calendar. The day of the week rotating dial has had names replaced. That appears to be the only real fault to the clock and it can be corrected. This is a mighty fine clock with hardly a blemish. It has been in storage several years and will probably need service, although it is running. Ly-Gilbert, page 72. Millers "Calendar Clocks", pages 130-131.
Clock types