Ansonia Clock Co. hanging weight clock, "Prompt", C. 1901.
Large 50" oak case has been refinished and restored. I ascertained the wood is original except for some molding at the bottom. If you will compare a catalog picture to this clock you will notice 2 round balls attached to a piece of wood that goes across the base to the other side, with a carved tail piece in the middle. What I have described is in front of the larger tail or base, which is original on our clock. The restorer didn't attempt to make the pieces but instead put 3 pieces of base molding around the base, I suppose to disguise the fact there used to be something else there. The clock looks good, just isn't right. This is a nice and fairly rare model in that it is 2 weights, 8-day time only. The movement, mounted to an iron back plate, is in nice condition and running. Old dial was expertly repainted, bob, stick, beat scale, all good. A good woodman could restore this case to near original. Ly-Ansonia #599.
Clock types