E.N.Welch Mfg. Co. mantle clock, the rare "Khedive", parlor model with Patti movement, C. 1889.
Walnut case, 17.5" high, in excellent original condition, has never been refinished. We have seen skyrocketing prices on these rare "Patti" movement clocks in the last 5 years. We are watching the very rarer ones sell up to $3000, and some not nearly as nice as this one. You might as well throw the price guides away on the Patti clocks. Maybe that is why a price guide hasn't been published in over 10 years. The heavily beveled glasses, bottom with nice gold etching, top in the brass bezel over the two piece dial. Outside dial is a porcelain ring, inner dial is brass with mottled designs. Visible escapement, jeweled pallets, 8 day movement, strikes a cathedral gong on the hours and half hours. Excellent original brass pendulum, full black label on the rear metal cover. This rare clock was only made for 4 years. Ly-Welch, pages 151-B, 288.
Clock types