E. N. Welch parlor clock, "Tycoon", C. 1889.
If you can't be one, you can at least buy one. 23" black walnut case is typical Welch, a lot of detailed wood carvings, jig sawing or whatever. The top is almost like the picture in the catalog, but two carved pieces are different. I pondered over them for some time, but reached no definite conclusions as whether the top is all original. I see so many clocks that are sometimes slightly different I decided years ago they didn't make them identical two years in a row. The glass is outstanding, still has original putty around it. The Welch pendulum is worth $100 on eBay or at a clock show. A fellow wrote me this week wanting one identical to it. Paper dial is a replacement. 8 day movement, strikes half hours and hours on a cathedral bell, alarms on a brass bell. Running like a sweetheart. Ly-Welch #456.
Clock types