Birge, Peck & Co. Bristol, Conn., C. 1849.
Cornice and column, triple deck case, slightly different than those just a few years earlier with larger, but half column, and larger sleigh runners on the base. The case is only 32.5" high. With the smaller 8 day movements used since 1844 case sizes became smaller. Dark mahogany veneer case is like the 4 preceeding this one, very good veneer particularily in front, only the normal bruises you would expect on a case this old. Glasses are original, but weak in places. Not too late to save them. This clock has an original painted metal dial still in very nice condition, 2 old period weights, pendulum and key, new hands, missing the pendulum suspension wire. Brass strap movement is one Birge has been using right along, although with different partners. Read pages 278-279, in Ken Roberts book previously referenced, for pictures and discussion of Birge & Peck clocks, this movement, and the exact full label shown in this clock.
Clock types