Ansonia Clock Co. crystal regulator, "Viscount", C. 1904.
Another outstanding clock from one of the Missouri collections. The body of the case is polished brass and remains bright and clean. All the ornaments, top, feet, 4 sides, came from the factory in a rich gold . After 100 years some gold has worn off and some remains, particularily in the crevices where human hands didn't touch. This is about as good as we get not to have been regilted. 4 perfect beveled glasses, original hands, 2 piece porcelain dial, and open escape. If you look close you will see a hairline about as long as a gnats eyelash. The imitiation mercury pendulum has not stopped swinging since the clock arrived. The gentleman that brought me these clocks is an excellent mechanic. The movement is 8 day of course, striking half hours and hours on a standing gong. The case is 16" high. Ly-Ansonia #337.
Clock types