C.1906, Ansonia Clock Co., ÒPorcelain Hanging No. 3Ó, 8-day time and bell strike, balance movement.
Anonymous (not verified)
23 October 2024
Condition: This clock came from and old timerÕs East Coast collection, and has not been schlepped around the shows nor marts. It is really in exceptional condition and we canÕt think of what more to say about it. We last sold a Hanging No. 3 several years ago for 15,000+ dollars. For complete details on this model, see LyÕs 1998 Ansonia book, pages 641-645. Height 19 inches
Porcelain Hanging No. 3
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R.O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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C.1906, Ansonia Clock Co., ÒPorcelain Hanging No. 3Ó, 8-day time and bell strike, balance movement. Condition: This clock came from and old timerÕs East Coast collection, and has not been schlepped around the shows nor marts. It is really in exceptional condition and we canÕt think of what more to say about it. We last sold a Hanging No. 3 several years ago for 15,000+ dollars. For complete details on this model, see LyÕs 1998 Ansonia book, pages 641-645. Height 19 inches
Clock types