Southern Calendar Clock Co. "Fashion No. 6", ca 1880.
The most poplar, but not the most expensive of the 8 Fashions models using Seth Thomas movements. The No. 7 & No. 8 are extremely rare and therefore command a higher price. This model is the only one with black dials. It is almost identical to the No. 5 except for the dials. Like the No. 4 above, the pendulum, gong, and dial rings are nickel plated, plus on this model the hands are nickel plated. There are two full labels inside the case. Walnut case is 32 inches high, finials are all original with good tips. Both dials were repainted years ago. If I had owned the clock I would have requested new dial pans as these are slightly warped, which all Fashion dials do as they oxidize over time. In fact the Dial House won't repaint warped dials. Ly-Calendar page 288. Millers-Calendar Clocks, page 113. Ly-Seth Thomas, page 66.
Clock types