Ansonia Clock Co. Royal Bonn case, "La Villa", ca 1900.
This is a large clock, 15 inches high, 11 inches wide. This may well be the first time this clock has been positively identified. When Mr. Ly published his Ansonia Clocks book in 1998 no one could identify this case so he called it "No. 504". My clock is signed "LaVilla" and "Royal Bonn Germany", on the back, and is identical to #2678 in the book. This is a beautiful case with a large loop at the top, and the heart shaped front plus four prominent feet. Color is off white, some light green, gold splashes for accent and beautiful painted flowers front and sides. It also has all they typical extras, 2 piece porcelain dial with open escape, correct back cover, pendulum, and 8 day movement that strikes half hours. I will call the clock near perfect. Ly-Ansonia #2678.
Clock types