Ithaca Calendar Clock Co., "Regulator No. 1" ca. 1875.
Also referred to as "Hanging Bank Clock". Welch, Spring & Co. 8 day time only, two weight movement, 26 inch pendulum rod swings in front of lower dial, pendulum bob exposed. Walnut case, applied carvings are composite castings molded from crushed shells. 49 inches high, old finish, cleaned and polished, few decorations have age cracks; right top also has hairline crack repaired. Old zinc dial pans are 12.5 inch sq. replaced paper dials and aged properly, paper rolls old. Weight driven Ithaca double dials are getting harder and harder to find. Clock runs with calendar mechanism working properly. This is a very rare old clock that collectors wanted to buy when they came to pick up clocks from the January auction. Ly-Calendar #276, #284. $7500-$10,000.
Clock types