Ithaca Calendar Clock Co. "No. 2.5 Brisbane", ca 1880.
Anonymous (not verified)
23 October 2024
The nickel plated, 30 day double spring movement, is signed, "Manfd For the Ithaca Cal Clock Co. E.N. Welch Forrestville, CT USA Pat'd Aug 30, 1870". The clock is running and calendar is changing. The Ash case has been restored, wood clean and polished, 11 inch dials repainted. There is nothing jumps out at you and says, I am a piece of new trim. Everything look like the examples in the catalogs and the few examples of this rare old clock we have had in the past. A complete label of instructions remains on the back board. This is an excellent and very good looking wall calendar clock. Ly-Calendar #295.
No. 2.5 Brisbane
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Ithaca Calendar Clock Co
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Horton's Antique Clocks
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Ithaca Calendar Clock Co. "No. 2.5 Brisbane", ca 1880. The nickel plated, 30 day double spring movement, is signed, "Manfd For the Ithaca Cal Clock Co. E.N. Welch Forrestville, CT USA Pat'd Aug 30, 1870". The clock is running and calendar is changing. The Ash case has been restored, wood clean and polished, 11 inch dials repainted. There is nothing jumps out at you and says, I am a piece of new trim. Everything look like the examples in the catalogs and the few examples of this rare old clock we have had in the past. A complete label of instructions remains on the back board. This is an excellent and very good looking wall calendar clock. Ly-Calendar #295.
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