E. Ingraham Clock Co. hanging "Northwestern", ca 1910.
Around here we generally call these clocks "store regulators". Ingraham made a bunch of them, generally were oak, time only, and some-times with a simple calendar. This one was part of the Houston collection we purchased last fall. It was on his workbench with the movement and pendulum separated from the case. I found what I thought was the correct movement, (holes lined up) and then found a pendulum which I thought to be correct. Now I see it may be hanging a speck short? Anyway we are selling "as is", right or wrong. It is 8 day, time and calendar, and running. The 39 inch oak case is very clean and very ornate for a clock of this kind. The 12 inch dial is spotted from oil or glue, and there are two good glasses. Ly-Ingraham #371. 450 dollars -500 dollars if I could say it was all original, but not knowing for sure I must say .
Clock types