Wall clock issued by the "American Historical Society No. A1170", commemorating the 200th Anniversary of the American Constitution.
Anonymous (not verified)
23 October 2024
8 day time and strike, coil gong. 2 piece dial inscribed, "United States of America, Constitution Clock". Pendulum inscribed, "200th Anniversary". Clock made in Korea, one would assume many were sold to raise money for the Historical Society. This clock is clean, contemporary, running.
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American Historical Society
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Horton's Antique Clocks
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Wall clock issued by the "American Historical Society No. A1170", commemorating the 200th Anniversary of the American Constitution. 8 day time and strike, coil gong. 2 piece dial inscribed, "United States of America, Constitution Clock". Pendulum inscribed, "200th Anniversary". Clock made in Korea, one would assume many were sold to raise money for the Historical Society. This clock is clean, contemporary, running.
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