Mahogany Veneered beehive mantle clock with the Canadian Crest on door glass.
The style of this clock case has been called "BEEHIVE', but the proper designation is "Round Gothic" compared to the "Sharp Gothic" design of steeple clock cases. The case on this clock features Mahogany veneer which has had some careful repairs. Overall, the appearance of the case is good. The lower glass on the case door represents the Royal Canadian Seal- according to some of our visitors. At the bottom of the crest are the words--'DIEU ET MON DROIT' This is a nice beehive clock that runs well and includes an alarm mechanism. These alarms are really not used any more because once wound and set, the alarm goes off and continues until completely run down.. .making a fearful noise. But, its nice to have this mechanism in place anyway. The original blue E N Welch label is preserved inside the case with a sheet of acetate which could be removed if the next owner prefers. There is a moderate amount of flaking on the lower door glass (see photograph) but the important details are preserved. The price for a clock of this type would be considerably greater if it were not for the veneer repair and door glass flaking. Still, its a nice clock for the money and should appeal to anyone who appreciates the fact that the previous owners retained most of its originality. Height: 19 in. (48.26 cm) Depth: 4 in. (10.16 cm) Width: 10 in. (25.40 cm) Weight: 7
Clock types