Southern Calendar Clock Co.-Seth Thomas, "Fashion No. 2", ca 1876.
The future look of the Fashion's began with this model, full side columns, 3 finials on top, etc. Cases and movements were produced by Seth Thomas but the Culver Bros. decided the case styles. This case has walnut veneer, stands 31 inches high, and other than the usual veneer chipping problem around the very bottom of the base and the top-sides only, the veneer is pretty doggone good. The finials do not have the 3 or 4 little indentions in the peg base, therefore they must not be original. With a hammer and a screwdriver I could have made them look like factory made. The new paper dials were installed on old pans, hands and pendulum appear correct, the Seth Thomas signed 8 day time movement and their Andrews calendar movements were some of the finest movements Seth Thomas ever produced. Both movements are working properly. Not a bad example of an early Fashion clock. Ly-Seth Thomas, page 60.
Clock types