Ithaca Calendar Clock Co. "No. 5 Emerald", ca 1880.
Eight day spring, strike on cathedral gong. 33 inch case is walnut with burled panels over most of the case. Finials look to be original, so is the special Ithaca pendulum. Old dials are very satisfactory although old and untouched. Bottom dial has printed in large type, "Southern Speed." The old top has over half of an old label, in place. When we first examined the top to this clock our first thought was, "replaced". We have had several "experts" including calendar clock collectors, and people capable themselves of carving such a top, look it over, and they even compared it to other No. 5 Emerald's. Everyone agreed that the top had been cleaned, in place. We are certain everything up to the carved top is original and when looking at the front we will "almost"s bet the farm that it is all original. It is surely tough sometimes because we have some expert craftsmen out there that can fool the experts. Ly-Calendar, page 138.
Clock types