Waterbury Clock Company, "Hall Clock No. 72", ca. 1906.
99 inches tall mahogany case, has 100% original finish, never cleaned or refinished in any way. High quality case has raised panels front and sides, lots of applied carvings, carved broken arch top with three extra large finials, nicely carved feet, old heavy beveled glass in front door. Back of clock has decent Waterbury label. Extra fancy brass dial with lots of applied ornamentation; seconds bit, good moon dial. 8-day, two weight, cable driven, time and strike movement, dead bead escapement, retaining power, solid polished movement frames. Movement strikes on one seven foot long brass tubular gong. All brass pieces are original finish and have not been polished. If you're looking for a 100% original high quality mahogany tall clock, this is it.
Clock types