Ansonia/German hanging wall clock, "Reflector", ca 1886-1900. It is 100% Ansonia, even the movement.
However, the movement is stamped with the trademark of a German company, "Maurer and Pfaff and Schlenker". The dial is marked the same. I would guess they bought the clock from Ansonia and marketed it in Germany with their trademarks. The 8 day movement is identical to the one in Ly-Ansonia No. 744. A couple of finials are missing, case has been refinished, needs some wood feeder to bring it to life. Good beat scale and brass pendulum. The only negative I see is the dial pan. There are extra holes in the pan but I believe the paper dial is original to that pan. The glass has a very good design still intact, just like on the Ansonia's, and there is a drawer on the base for the key. If I am wrong then you should bid as if the movement and dial have been put in the case. If it were all Ansonia, it would be worth $1700. Ly-Ansonia, page 177.
Clock types