C.1878, Welch, Spring and Co., Regulator No. 1, 8-day, 2-weight time in rosewood.
Condition: the case was refinished long ago and has a pleasant appearance. The dial and hands are original; note tail to seconds hand is missing; clock runs OK, but would benefit from a tail on the hand. When this clock was donated to the American Clock and Watch Museum 30 years ago, it was absent the 5 outboard finials, and the restorer did not have originals to copy. Although they don't look bad, you should re-make them to proper profile. Original beat scale in bottom of case and original flocking on rear of case, and original pendulum. Bottom bracket is loose, a simple repair. For details on this model, see Ly's 1992 book on Welch clocks, pages 90-91 (note a new Edition is forthcoming) . This clock was de-accessioned from the museum in December of 2005, because it was a duplicate; proceeds will go into the museum acquisition fund. Height 68 inches
Clock types