C.1867, B. B. Lewis, Bristol, Conn, Lewis Calendar No. 2 , probably made for L. F. and W. W. Carter, but there is not enough label left to tell; 2-weight, 8-day time+calendar in a rosewood case with grained bezels.
Anonymous (not verified)
22 October 2024
Condition: the case has been nicely waxed and polished, and most of the graining is still evident on the bezels, actually looks quite good. The time movement has been nicely restored and the plates polished; appears to have been made by E. N. Welch. The time dial is original and in very good condition and the original calendar dial, protected under glass is outstanding. Note that calendar bezel extends beyond the edge of the case, and is surely original, but not as shown for this model. Ht 30" [80cm]
Calendar No. 2
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Lewis, BB
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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C.1867, B. B. Lewis, Bristol, Conn, Lewis Calendar No. 2 , probably made for L. F. and W. W. Carter, but there is not enough label left to tell; 2-weight, 8-day time+calendar in a rosewood case with grained bezels. Condition: the case has been nicely waxed and polished, and most of the graining is still evident on the bezels, actually looks quite good. The time movement has been nicely restored and the plates polished; appears to have been made by E. N. Welch. The time dial is original and in very good condition and the original calendar dial, protected under glass is outstanding. Note that calendar bezel extends beyond the edge of the case, and is surely original, but not as shown for this model. Ht 30" [80cm]
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