C.1830, Samuel Abbot(t), Boston, Mass., 8-day New Hampshire style mirror timepiece, with restrained weight on guide wires.
Condition: Original gilt front case in nice condition with a couple of small chips on the top cornice, and other minor losses and restorations. Mirror is period, but could be a replacement. Painted dial surround is modern. Hands are original. Dial has been repainted (a bit dark). This case originally had an alarm train that is now missing, and there is a narrow empty weight channel inside (note arbor to left of movement). Original label inside the case, with central losses, name is fully legible, note Abbot printed with one "T".. A more complete example of this label can be found on page 64 in "Willard's Patent Time Pieces by Paul Foley", and also in previous catalogs of ROSFA. Historical records show this maker as Abbott, labels as Abbot. Ht. 34.5"