Fine George Marsh & Co. CT Hollow Column Clock,
8-day, weight-driven, brass works with riveted brass straps instead of plates, type developed by Joseph Ives. Round gilt dial, painted Arabic numbers, scroll decoration at center, original mirror behind face, and glazed door. Dial and works flanked by two free-standing doric columns through which weights pass. Columns topped by pediment with carved fruitbasket and elaborate foliage flanked by plain plinths. Lower case door has ivory inlaid diamond escutcheon. Repainted tablet depicting mill scene surrounded by band of gold-stenciled floral decoration. Replaced turned rear feet, but original front paw feet. Original cleaned finish and paper label. Unusual, rare clock. 37" high x 17.25" wide x 4.25" deep. For similar clock, see Chris Bailey, Two Hundred Years of American Clocks & Watches, page 115.Ex Paul A. Heffner Collection.As above, and bearsing a label from a Texas restorer who repair several small areas of minor damage to the columns, dial door, and veneer; else VG.
Clock types