C.1893, Waterbury "AUGUSTA", 8-day, 2-weight time and strike in an oak case, with restorations.
Condition: this clock was purchased at a retail store and although it is clean and in good running order, the case work is not in keeping with an actual Augusta model; refer to Ly's book on Waterbury. First off, it has a longer drop movement, as used in the Atlanta [21" pendulum], second the wings are missing from the new top finial, splat below the dial and at very bottom of case are new and with pressed commercial moldings that have been fitted in, third, all smaller brass trims are incorrect, purchased from a brass supply house and don't look bad, but are not proper. Finally, the plain spade hands are new and should be fancy. [top dragons are ok]. An original would be worth $4500 in today's market, and we have tried to estimate realistically. Height 50 inches
Clock types