Chelsea Clock Co., Boston, C.1949, CLINTON model desk clock with 2 3/4 inch dial, and tu-tone case with bronze base and tub with yellow brass handles. This model was first introduced in 1931. 8-day, time. A presentation piece, engraved on the base to
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
mechanically sound and in good running order, this clock has received good care over the years and is in excellent original condition. For reference, see Demeters book on Chelsea clocks, page 143. Ht 4"
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Chelsea Clock Co
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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Chelsea Clock Co., Boston, C.1949, CLINTON model desk clock with 2 3/4 inch dial, and tu-tone case with bronze base and tub with yellow brass handles. This model was first introduced in 1931. 8-day, time. A presentation piece, engraved on the base to "Herbert D. Hancock, 1924-1949, from his friends at the CHELSEA EVENING RECORD" [newspaper] mechanically sound and in good running order, this clock has received good care over the years and is in excellent original condition. For reference, see Demeters book on Chelsea clocks, page 143. Ht 4"
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